Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Birthday Recap

I had such a great birthday this year!  Totally makes up for last year and then some.  In fact, my birthday was kind of celebrated throughout the whole weekend and yesterday, my actual birthday, was just the icing on the cake. 

Saturday my in-laws took us out to dinner as a combo birthday/Father's Day celebration.  Afterwards we went for ice cream and then back to their house for gifts.  They know that, with me, cash is never frowned upon, and at times it's actually preferred ;)  They even threw in a yummy smelling Bath & Body Works candle so I'd have something to open other than a card.  Way too generous, but I'm very thankful that they care so much to make it a special day for me.  Now I just need to decide what I want to spend my money on, hmmmm.....

Sunday the hubster pampered me at home, making me breakfast, lunch and dinner and helping me with things around the house.  My dear friend Jen even surprised me with a few gifts...the to-go coffee cup and wine preserver I blogged about a month ago.  Both awesome and are already being put to use! 

Yesterday we decided to go see Toy Story 3 instead of SATC 2 (re: this blog post)...I'm so glad I changed my mind!  Toy Story 3 was so, so awesome and it even made me cry.  I've loved this whole series of movies and would even venture to say they're some of my favorite animated movies of all times (after The Little Mermaid, of course).  The theatre wasn't crowded at all (we went to a matinee) but we weren't the only adult couple in the there, which made me feel a bit better :)  I highly recommend going to see it if you're a fan of all the other Toy Story movies, it's worth the ticket price!

Before we left for the theatre, the hubster surprised me with a cake, card and another gift!  The cake was not expected at all and I loved that he went through the trouble.  The gift was the perfume I had also mentioned in that blog post from a month ago, Eternity Summer (it even came with a free beach towel, too).  After the movie we went to dinner and then just came home to relax and eat a slice of my cake - it was super yummy!  He did a great job, couldn't have asked for more and I sported my new watch and perfume the rest of the day.

I also got lots of phone calls, emails, texts and Facebook messages from family and friends wishing me a Happy Birthday and it really made me smile.  My 30th, take two, will not be forgotten!

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