Wednesday, June 30, 2010

1 Month Follow-up to "Putting it out there..."

A few days late, but better late than never I say!  I did weigh myself on the correct day (June 27th) just to give myself an accurate reading.  Sadly, I only lost 2 pounds...1 pound short of my 3 pound goal.  Without sounding like I'm making excuses, because I don't want to be that kind of person pushing blame onto other things, it was a busy month full of a lot of eating "out" (ie: be it restaurants or other peoples homes, parties, etc).  I need to have better restraint in these types of situations.  I am allowing myself one reasonable cheat day a week and I think that's fair, otherwise, I just really need to focus on making healthier choices.

One thing that I've been doing is tracking pretty much everything I've been eating and drinking on  If you're looking to lose a few pounds and need to see things in black and white, sign up!  It's free to join and easy to follow.  I use it strictly to track my calories and water intake and it helps a ton to see it everyday and know where I succeeded (did I get enough protein?) or failed (did I go over my "fat" goal?). 

I am pretty proud of myself, though, for really sticking to my goal of upping my water intake.  I've read that you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day, and then for every caffeinated and alcoholic beverage you consume you need to drink an equal amount of water (in addition to your "regular" intake amount).  While I haven't always stuck to that rule of drinking additional ounces to counteract the caffeine or alcohol, I have been drinking my required ounces and that's a huge step for me.

I've been exercising, but not nearly as much as I should be.  Again, I really need to push myself and get into a routine.  It is getting easier though to want to go for a power walk in the evening... daylight until at least 8:30pm and lackluster Summer television help ;)

Overall, I'm ok with only losing 2 pounds, but really wanted to lose more.  Baby steps.  Hopefully month 2 will bring me better results!

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