Friday, July 30, 2010

Blown Away!

Another beauty related review...sorry if it seems like that's all I talk about lately, but I have to share my thoughts on this amazing "tool" I recently purchased.  To be honest, I've only been using it since Tuesday, only four days thus far, but I don't see how my thoughts on this will change so I figured what the heck - you're getting the review now!

The product: the beautyblender*cue the parting clouds and singing angels* 

I've always used sponges to apply my foundation and concealer.  It's what I started out using when I first discovered makeup and over time what I was  most comfortable with.  Every once in a while I'd try to use my fingers but I could never get it to blend nicely and look the way I wanted it to.  I even tried a few foundation brushes and again, I wasn't happy with the finish.  I always resorted back to sponges...old habits die hard.  I used to be able to pick up any old brand of sponges at the drugstore and be completely happy, but lately, no matter which brand I bought, they just felt off.  Too plastic-y.  I don't even want to tell you how many packs of sponges I've purchased.  It's embarrassing :(  But I was nearing the end of my stash of "good" sponges so I was desperate to find something, anything, that would apply my foundation as good as or better than I was used too. 

I've seen the beautyblender on Sephora's website for a while now, but I just could never commit to spending that much on a sponge.  I mean really, $20 for a sponge alone is a little ridiculous.  But again, I was desperate I tell you!  I read the reviews on and and most were pretty positive.  Worst case scenario, I return it and get my money back.  So I caved, added it to my shopping basket (amongst a few other things, of course!), checked out and then waited for my package to arrive. 

First off, it's adorable.  I dare you to not smile at it's hot pink, egg-shaped cuteness.  Second, it's super soft and squishy.  Third, it doesn't smell all gross like other sponges tend to smell.  So far, so good. 

I purchased the set that comes with one beautyblender and a bottle of cleanser, so the first thing I did was wash the sponge.  I was amazed at how much the sponge expanded when wet!  The directions say to always dampen the sponge before using it to apply your makeup...intriguing!  I squeezed out any excess water, then squeezed it again with a towel in my hand - worked great.  It still felt damp, but not damp enough to transfer any water to my hands if that makes sense.  They also say to dip the sponge in the makeup then apply, but I like to use my fingers to dot the foundation on my face, then blend with the sponge - either way will work.  All you do is bounce the sponge across your face, that's it.  No tugging, no pulling, just bouncing.  The shape of the sponge is what creates that airbrush effect.  Since it's rounded it's impossible to get any lines or streaks.  And the process goes so quickly since the sponge can cover a larger surface area with each bounce.  I would typically squeeze out a thin strip of foundation on the tip of my index finger and repeat that three times, using one strip for each "section" of my face.  One for my nose and cheeks, one for my eyelids and forehead, and then one more for my chin, jaw line and neck line.  I was able to cut the amount of foundation I use in HALF by using this sponge.  It makes me super happy to think of all the money I'll be saving on foundation, not to mention the minutes I'll be saving each morning, too! 

The first time I used it I was blown away. I just kept saying "wow"...hours later I was still saying "wow".  It's got the "wow" factor for sure!  The way it blends makeup is just amazing.  I've never been able to achieve that sheer, glow-y look before...ever.  This just makes my skin look like MY skin, only better.  I've noticed the staying power is better too, and my makeup doesn't settle into my lines as much anymore.  Less truly is more, such an interesting concept!

The cleanser is great too, but from the reviews I've read, not entirely necessary (some use baby shampoo)...I personally love the cleanser and think it does a fabulous job at getting all the makeup off the sponge (you can dilute it a bit and use it to clean your brushes too).  You're supposed to clean it between each use to keep it looking nice and germ free.  I've read of some people using it a few times between washes, so I guess it's just personal preference and how much of a germaphobe you are ;)  One reviewer said that while she cleans her beautyblender daily, she waits until right before she uses it...since you have to wet the sponge before applying makeup anyway, you're kind of killing two birds with one stone and saving time.  Whichever method or system you choose is up to you.  With proper care the sponge will last at least 3 months, but many are using it 6 months to a full year - talk about getting your money's worth!  The company will even recycle the sponge if you send it back to them so it's environmentally friendly to boot.

If you use liquid foundation, you MUST get this.  (It does work with powders too, including blush, bronzers and eye shadows, but I can't comment on that yet since I've only used it to apply my foundation and concealer thus far)  Even if you use your fingers or a brush to apply your liquid foundation and are happy, I still think you'd be amazed by this.  I'm really not sure how you'd ever go back to your old method once you get your hands on this sponge.  It's that amazing, I promise you!

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