Sometimes I feel like I live for Sundays. Why, you ask? Because we can be as lazy as we want to be. Of course, "lazy" is a relative term and probably means different things for different people. While I consider Sunday our lazy day, I probably accomplish more in this day than I do any other day of the week.
The day starts off with a cup of coffee, it's a must to get me moving. I think I'll do a seperate post on our Keurig - the appliance "love of my life" - in the future, it's a-ma-zing! While I sip on my coffee I read the paper, watch some HGTV, and chat with the hubster before he heads off to the gym and then I
really get started on my day.
For whatever reason I get the itch to clean on Sundays... I think because we usually spend the day at home, the house needs to at least
look clean so that I can can relax. That means I usually run the Dyson to rid our horrid, dark carpet of the neverending cat hair and other random fuzzies and dirt. Clean carpet gives me the illusion of a clean house, instant gratification! I like to declutter a bit too...the counters in the kitchen, the desk in our office, the ottoman in the living room, etc. I trash or recycle what I can then organize the areas to again give the illusion of a clean and tidy house. I'm all about the illusion, can you tell? I'm going to admit that cleaning (actual dusting/windexing/soap and water
is not my most favorite task and I'll put it off as long as possible. But I swear, anyone that walks in my house would never say it's dirty, so I guess I'm a pretty good illusionist. Just call me David Copperfield ;) I do get to the serious cleaning, I do, but certainly not on a regular or consistent basis.
Sunday is also usually laundry day, yay! I love doing laundry, LOVE it. I find it relaxing and rewarding. Call me crazy, I don't care. I'd do laundry 24/7/365 if it meant I never had to do another household chore again. I love the sorting, the washing, the drying, the folding, the "putting away"...well, except putting away the husband's clothes, I leave that up to him.
My next favorite Sunday task is clipping coupons and browsing through the sales flyers. Do you clip coupons? I think I'm addicted. Although I wouldn't exactly classify that as a bad thing, I'm doing it to save money - nothing wrong with that, right? I do have a routine and a few rules with coupon clipping...a seperate post for that too, maybe :) The sales flyers are fun for me to look through and it kind of feels like shopping without really spending money. No room for excess or senseless spending these days, unfortunately.
Now comes the lazy part... once the small amount of cleaning is done, a few loads of laundry washed, dried and folded, coupons clipped and sorted... we lounge and watch crappy television or movies until dinner time. Not sure what's playing on our TV today, I leave that up to the hubster. I just hope it's something good that holds my attention. A few weekends ago we watched
Up In The Air with George Clooney and I liked it, I'd say it's worth a watch. We also watched
Precious and while I thought it was a great movie, it was definitely HARD to watch. I had to turn it off a few times just to give myself a break. I can see why it was nominated for so many awards this year, that's for sure.
Sunday nights are usually closed out with dinner and Desperate Housewives before hitting the hay. Whew! Sounds pretty busy for a lazy day, but I promise most of it is done at a snails pace while still in my pajamas, crazy hair and no make-up. Any day I can stay in my pj's ALL day qualifies as a lazy day in my book! Now if you'll excuse me, I have coupons to clip and laundry to fold...